When writing down your production expenses, costs like tax, shipping, duty, and even discounts should not be ignored. Use the table below to easily figure out the correct cost to write down!
In the example above, I had free pickup plus a coupon for my order, making it a total of $137.69 despite a subtotal (before tax and discounts) of $163.92. So even though the invoice said that my postcards cost $38.61 for example, after factoring in taxes and the discount, they were only $32.43. It would be incorrect to write the more expensive amount in my expenses sheet; both for tracking reasons, and for break-even calculations. (In most non-print-based cases however, there will be hefty shipping, tax, and even duty fees applied, making the expenses even higher than what the itemized invoice would show.)
The total and subtotal are plugged into the Distribution column’s formula. To get the correct price distribution for your production costs, simply follow the steps below.
Click on the Distribution column and select Edit property.
In the popup that opens, select Edit next to Formula.
Replace the numbers in the formula with your own, then press Done when complete. The formula should read (Price / <subtotal>) * <total>
And that’s it! The distribution numbers will automatically update.
When you have a new invoice to go through, simply clear the data from the table and return to step 1.
Click outside the table then drag over the first column to select, then press Delete on your keyboard or use that Trash button.